I’m participating in the Pay-it-Forward initiative.
The first 5 people who comment on this status with “I’m in” will receive a surprise from me at some point in this calendar year – anything from a sweet dessert, a lovely CD, a ticket, a book or just absolutely any surprise I see fit!
There will be no warning and it will happen when I find something that I believe would suit you and make you happy!
These 5 people must make the same offer in their status (FB or Path or Twitter, etc.) and distribute their own joy.
Simply copy this text onto your profile, (don’t share) so we can form a web of connection and kindness.
Let’s do more nice and loving things for each other in 2014, without any reason other than to make each other smile and show that we think of each other.
Here’s to a more enjoyable, more friendly and love-filled year!
Source of post from Dani Rachmat
Kamis, 20 Februari 2014
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Other Post
- Blog Quiz : A Story Pudding For Wedding
- Nikmat Allah Yang Mana Lagi Yang Kau Dustakan
- Seven + Four = Eleven Facts of Pu------>Sebelas Fakta Diri Pu
- Aku Ingin Menjadi Pendampingmu (Part 3)
- Woro-woro Kuis “Poetry Hujan”
- Ketika Ibu Jatuh Cinta
- Pengalaman Pertama Ditugasi Mama Ke Pasar Tradisional
- PR Sebelas
- Not Weekly Photo Challenges: Memasak dan Berkebun
- Senja Ini
25 komentar:
Sayangnya saya ga mungkindapet lagi sihya.Hahahaha...
Hauk-hayuk siapa yang mau hadiah.. :D
saya dapet nggakkk???>_<
Hihi...iya dan
@HM Zwan belum ucapin kata kata judul mb...
I am in.
Saya ikutan yah mbak :)
Siip mb, baru satu nih...
@ninarahmaizar komen pake i'm in mbak.
i'm in.. mbak Pu...
Yeay...nophi kedua ya...
i'm in :)
Yeay nina ketiga...
@puteriamirillis terus aku bikin di blog ku gitu ya mbak?? kalau enggak berarti batal ya? gitu kah aturannya? hehehe
Copas aja nop...posting di blog deh
@puteriamirillis okayy sipp
saya dapet apa yah kalo komen di mari #eh
Aturan mainnya komennya pake i'm in rai
aku nyimaka saja ya mbak :)
Iam in teh ..
trus copas di blog ya??
@ketty husnia iya mbak ketty.
mba Pu, ini email yahooku msh aktif lho..atau di kettyhusnia@gmail.com
I'm in :D
tadi baca di blog bunda monda juga nih, masih belum ngerti :)
aku udah dapet di dani, jadi disini nggak ikutan lagi. Nanti deh kalo 5 hadiah udah kelar dibagiin, coba pikir2 lagi ada duit nggak buat bikin jurnal begini lagi.. :)
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